Welcome To The Pokemon Network

Hello and Welcome users!

We are still working out a few kinks in our website, so if things change please don't over react about it. Things will come and go.


The chat bar doesn't work properlly , try to refrain from using it please.


Please keep in mind we are still trying to grow our community. So please! invite all your Pokemon Friends to join our site !


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Friday, November 29th 2013:

1) We are now able to be accessed through pokenetwork.tk it is still a free domain but it is the best we will be able to do for now.

2) If you have any questions regarding staff positions please wait until there is an announcement regarding that, it will be posted in the boards and will be asked to post it thereso the staff don't have to waste time with pms. We will than hold a vote to see who should get in (Of course this will be amongst the staff.


Thursday, December 12th 2013;

We are looking into having a pokemon rpg . If anyone has one, or wants to help us with one, we can work something out.

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